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How to make money with faucets?


First of all, let’s explain what a faucet is.


“A bitcoin faucet is a reward system, in the form of a website or app, that dispenses rewards in the form of a satoshi, which is a hundredth of a millionth BTC, for visitors to claim in exchange for completing a captcha or task as described by the website.”



And now?
simple, I will explain the steps to get your first bitcoins and not just that , from creating a wallet to get your first prize






1. How much can you earn?


Earnings depend a lot on you, single transactions are not very profitable but if you follow consistently (1/2 times a day) I assure you that you will be amazed at the numbers you can take home if you are patient.

I gained 0.32BTC ($1.250) in a year using faucet sites 2/3 times a day every day, spending about 1/2 minutes each time.

In addition I have been able to increase my earnings thanks to the fact that these sites allow you to share your referral with friends or strangers from which you will earn about 50% of what they earn.

2.Create a wallet


There are many sites that allow you to create your private wallet, I suggest you create one with CoinPot.
You will ask “Why CoinPot?”.


CoinPot is a wallet for microtransactions and is used to request faucets, convert them to other cryptos and withdraw them at no cost and the site has several collaborations with faucet sites that will allow you to earn more and in a simplified way.


Inside you can see the cryptos you own and you can convert them to each other.
In addition Coinpot will reward you with tokens for each time you earn bitcoins through faucets.


3. Faucet sites


Choosing the right site to request your bitcoins is one of the most important things to do.
A site must be reliable, not deceptive and without viruses of any kind.
For this reason I help you by recommending the sites I use personally and which have never given me any kind of problem.


This is the list of sites I use:


The sites in the moon series have special bonuses that can increase the bitcoins that you can take for single operations over 100%, so I suggest you also read some information on their site.

With the moon sites I should register with the same email you used for coinpots and you will receive your earnings directly in your wallet

The sites in the moon series have special bonuses that can increase the bitcoins that you can take for single operations over 100%, so I suggest you also read some information on their site.

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